The first was a man that I did not know nor did I ever find out his name. It was about 12 or 13 years ago and we were at a church softball game. I was sitting along the 3rd base line and we were finishing watching the game before Daniel's started. The other team had a hit and a player rounded second on his way to third. All of a sudden the third baseman fell completely on his back, laid out on the ground. Since he was older everybody ran to him. Somebody started CPR and somebody else called 911. I stood up and put my hands on the fence. He died right there.
The second person was my Mom. Three years ago today.
It was suppose to be my night to stay with her at Tranquility. Dad and I had actually picked out her casket and mausoleum that morning knowing that it would be soon. When I got to the Hospice center the nurse at the desk told me that she didn't think it would be long. I rushed into her room. When I walked in my Dad said "I don't think you will be needing your bag for tonight." She was sitting up with her bed slightly reclined. Her head was back and she was relaxed. Her breathing was really labored and her eyes were close. Dad was holding her hand and I sat on the other side and held her other hand. The TV was on with no sound. We sat in silence watching her and listening to her breathing. Her breaths got farther and farther apart and after about 30 minutes she had her final breath.
There is no label on death.
There is nothing to describe it when you see somebody you love exit this earth.
There is nothing to describe the process of grief.
There is nothing to change the time that passes.
There is no title.
There is hope.
There is salvation.
There is Jesus Christ.
There is redemption in Him.
I don't know how you label "anniversaries" of somebody dying. They just remain untitled. Just like the grief, the pain, the sadness. Really because everyday afterwards is untitled. You have to go through things not knowing how but trusting in God who gives us eternal life through our Lord. This is what God wants.
To be our Hope.
To be our Identity.
To be our Strength.
To be our Promise.
To be our Title.
Our identity has to be in Christ. If it is not, we are too consumed by everything else. It is very easy to become consumed in your identity with something else. To let the identities and titles of this world creep in. They do, very slowly. Believe me, I know. No matter what you are going through you have to abide in Him. Each day we have should not be titled by this world. It should be left to be defined by God. God is Sovereign. Sometimes that is hard to swallow. Especially when we do not like the way He is defining our days. But I don't want to title my days. I want Him to. I want to live each day, all day with Him.
"The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. I bless the LORD who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I have set the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be unshaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. For you will not abandon my soul to Sheoul, or let your holy one see corruption. You make know to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Psalm 16:5-11.
The greatest moment of my Mom's life was when she stepped into eternity to be with God. For that there is no title.
Here is one of my favorite songs "Untitled Hymn" by Chris Rice. This song was very helpful for me during my counseling.
May all of your "Untitled" days be lived for the glory of God.
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